Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Ready Brek

Fresher's week is over and I am proud to admit that so far, unlike my poor housemate, I have not been a victim to the dreaded Fresher's Flu (touch wood)! However, as the weather is currently taking a nose dive down into the cold, cloudy, windy days that are so characteristic of bonnie Scotland, I felt that something more hearty and warming was in order for breakfast. And so, this week I have returned to my childhood sweetheart, the one and only Ready Brek! 
Ready Brek is described by its makers as "super smooth porridge", and they certainly can't be criticised for false advertising, as that is exactly what it is. The beauty about Ready Brek, however, is that regardless of how thin or thick you make it, it will remain 'super smooth'. And as it is such a plain base, you are able to flavour it to taste with any topping at you disposal. This morning, for example, I chose Golden Syrup, swirled on the top in something vaguely resembling an 'L' shape just like my own mother used to do for me. But you could also pick sugar, fruit, marmite: whatever takes your fancy! Ready Brek truly is a blank canvas waiting to be tarted up the way you wish. You can't beat the warm feeling in the bottom of your tummy that stays with you all day.
Here are my ratings for Ready Brek:

Crunch Factor: n/a

Flavour: 4/5 although Ready Brek has no flavour per se, it is very versatile and can be changed to taste

Aesthetics: 2/5

Filling: 4.5/5

Overall Rating: 3.5/5  

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